Monday, November 27, 2006

Movie review for 'Crash'/first entry

I never keep blogs, it's fine with me if people want to put their thoughts and daily activities online for other people to read, share their experiences and what not.But for me, anything that's worth writing down, wouldn't be appropriate to share with the whole world, it wouldn't be private and personal.I see no point in writing down daily activities, you do them daily, what's going to make you forget? Thoughts and feelings are priceless, one feeling, you might get once in a lifetime. So i wouldn't want to forget about that.

Anyway, one of my passions in life are films. When i see a good film, it always amazes me. A good film to me would either be very amusing and entertaining or it would make you think, make something in your mind shift.
I recently saw a film called Crash.
The film is about a Brentwood housewife and her D.A. husband. A Persian store owner. Two police detectives who are also lovers. An African-American television director and his wife. A Mexican locksmith. Two car-jackers. A rookie cop. A middle-aged Korean couple. They all live in Los Angeles. And during the 36 hours, their lives all collide.
My favorite part of the movie was the beginning scene, the very first few lines.The detective says to his partner after a crash.
''It's the sense of touch.
Any real city,you walk,you know?
You brush past people,people bump into you.
In L.A nobody touches you.
We're always behind this metal and glass,I think we miss that touch so much,
that we crash into each other just so we can feel something."

It's a film you won't stop thinking about, arguing over, debating, after the lights come up.What makes Crash so gripping,so terrifying in spots, so moving in others, and even a little funny at times,is how nothing happens as we think it will.It's unpredictable in it's brilliance.


patito said...

qin ai de,

i've seen the movie, but it was a while ago. I dont remember much, but i recall liking it a whole lot.
(irigi dorugont norigo warigat turugu serigay arigenigimorogor)



citranow said...

never saw the movie...but heard it was good from a lot of people. :)